This check list will be updated each day you're in.
Remember as much as you can use images to illustrate your knowledge and learning.
You can use these bullet points as headings.
- Thomas Ruff research focus on his 'Creative Intention' *Note there's very little info on the materials/equipment. use the links on the right-hand side of the blog here.
- Photographs/diagrams of the Pentax K1000
- Photographs diagrams of how the camera is loaded (Screen grabs from a Youtube video) with notes about the 2 really important bits that they never mention.
- Details about the camera (Basics).
- Images of the HP5+ 135/36 film + descriptions of its key features (First few lines from the Product data sheet)
- Screen grab of the product data sheet (First page) to demonstrate you know what it is.
- Diagrams of how you measure the light (The needle diagram from inside the view-finder).
- Explanations of how you take the light readings off peoples faces.
- Details about where you focus and the composition rules (Diagrams of the composition options).
- Explanation of 'Objective photography' and the use of the deadpan expression and use of neutral body language (Creative Intention).
- Photographs of 'The set' e.g. your set up when shooting - usually a wide shot done on your phone or DSLR showing your model and the background and how and where the images were taken.
- Explanations of the light and why it was fit for purpose.
- Pictures of the developer tank and all its component parts.
- Pictures of the developing sink and all the chemicals and equipment.
- Pictures of the developer chemical bottle with the times and mixing ratios.
- Screen grab of the '' page with the data on how to mix up the developer. The details for the way we used the film are on the 4th row.
- Details of how the film was processed from taking out of the cassette in the dark to drying and washing.
- Pictures of the drying cabinet with film hanging up (Set this up again if you didn't get the shot). Or use this one here...
- Images of Enlargers, easels, timers, the dryer and contact sheet printers with explanations - either your own versions of the diagrams on the walls at college or photos that you've taken of them.
- Your contact sheet, test strips and your prints with explanations of the process.