Thursday, September 23, 2021

Basic digital camera set up

The intention here is that you're able to set up your camera correctly and use it in a way that forces you to understand issues that surround the complexities of working with variable light sources.

In your design sheets you should identify the following knowledge by explaining how your camera is set up and used as well as the basic principles behind making exposures. 

*Note those of you have bought the book Langfords starting Photography should refer to the book for additional help. There is also a very useful link at the bottom of the page. 

ISO - What is ISO and why do we use manual ISO?
White balance - What is white balance, what are the options and how do we use white balance in our photography?
Aperture - What is aperture - how do we adjust it and what is happening inside the lens when we make adjustments to the aperture. How does this affect the exposure.
Shutter speed - What is shutter speed, how do we adjust it, what is the optimum shutter speed and what is the impact of shutter speed on the images and how does it affect the exposure?
What is Auto focus and manual focus - What are their pros and cons?
What file types does my camera use for the image captures - Explain your cameras options with regards the file types and sizes for image capturing. Explain how these are set up in the menu.
Lens - What is the focal length options with your lens - how does this impact on your images?
Light meter - How do you use your light meter and what is subject failure?

Exposure - What is exposure - what are EV's? What is the Kodak Rule and how do Aperture - Shutter speed and ISO integrate to enable you to control the exposure?

Subject failure & 18% Grey cards - what is subject failure and how can you avoid it using an 18% grey card or other mid tone light reading (Hand/skin tone). 

Using the headings above in your design sheets - write up your answers and explanations to these accompanied by images that illustrate your learning and knowledge.

Evaluation requirement for Unit 09

 If you look through the assignment at the evaluation criteria (Below) the key thing you need to do simply to attain a pass is clarified in section 9/C.P5 and 9/CP6. Ideally you would all aim to attain the higher grades which is slightly more complex and requires more than simple explanations.

When you type your work up in your design sheets, make sure you use a bold heading. What you should be aiming to do is write about the worth of the knowledge and skills you've gained during the two sections of the 'Sinister' brief. 

Once you've typed up the heading in bold... Evaluation you then type up another for each of the sections you need to write about - (1)Materials; (2)Techniques; (3)Processes.

(1)Materials Identify again the materials that you've used and then write a paragraph about the fact that previously you had little or no knowledge of these materials, then explain why this new knowledge and the fact that you've been able to use them has been useful to you as someone learning about photography. You might want to mention the fact that this kind of knowledge is only accessible generally through education and not widely available to the public/wider population. If possible explain how the knowledge of these materials is going to benefit you as you move forward on the course.

(2). Techniques As above use the same approach but this time in terms of the techniques you've used... These include Pinhole camera; Dish processing of prints; Daylight exposure; Scanning with flatbed scanners; Post production using Photoshop. 

(3). Process As above in section (1), but discussing processes... (1). Exposing media (Photopaper) using a cardboard box as  camera and making images. (2). Processing Silver-based media using chemicals e.g. wet processing in the darkroom. (3). Editing images and improving them using digital manipulation methods (Photoshop). 

Finally - write up a number of paragraphs where you identify your weaknesses, deficiencies and lack of knowledge and make detailed suggestions of what you think you need to do in order to improve further. *Note you're at the start of your Photographic journey and one of the main observations with regards this is the more you do, the more you read and study and make pictures the better you'll get and improvement will happen gradually. 

Improvement prompts and ideas

 Many of the units as part of the evaluation require you to write about improving your work. Here's some tips with regards to writing t...